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ShowXY 1.00 (14-Jan-97)
Name: ArtWorks ShowXY module
Purpose: Show pointer position in ArtWorks page units
Author: Martin Würthner
Requires: RISC OS 3.1 or higher, ArtWorks 1.138 or higher
Status: FreeWare (see [5] for details)
Welcome to another free ArtWorks plug-in module!
This is just a small one, implementing a request made by Duncan Horne.
The original idea comes from DrawPlus (by Jonathan Marten).
Do not miss my other ArtWorks modules:
Polygon (ShareWare, £10 registration for private users)
Intersect (available to registered users of Polygon only)
Translate (FreeWare)
1) Installation
Copy the !ShowXY application inside the !ArtWorks.Auto directory. (Shift
double-click on !ArtWorks to open it, then double-click on the 'Auto' folder.
Then drag the !ShowXY application to the Filer window showing
<something>.!ArtWorks.Auto in its title bar). This will cause ArtWorks to
load the module automatically next time it is started.
If you are not using the 'Quick start' feature of ArtWorks, then this is it
already. Otherwise (this is recognized by the fact the ArtWorks only displays
one icon 'Quick start' when starting up) you have to go on:
If the 'Quick start' option is selected in the ArtWorks choices window you
have to perform the following steps in order for ArtWorks to recognize the
new module:
* Load ArtWorks
* Open the ArtWorks choices window (icon bar menu 'Choices...', then click on
the ArtWorks icon in the ArtWorks global choices window)
* Deselect 'Quick start' and click on 'Save'
* Quit ArtWorks
* Reload ArtWorks - while loading ArtWorks shows every module it loads, this
should now include the ShowXY module. If ArtWorks displays an error message
like "Due to lack of memory one or more modules could not be loaded ..."
something has gone wrong and you should check whether you have correctly
installed the module.
* Open the ArtWorks choices window again
* Select 'Quick start' and click on 'Save'
If you ever should want to deinstall the module, remove the !ShowXY
directory from the !ArtWorks.Auto directory. Then, if you are using
the 'Quick start' option, you must repeat the same steps above.
2) The ShowXY module
This module adds a menu item "Show coordinates" to the document window's
"View" submenu. When switched on, a window pops up and continually displays
the pointer position within the window under the pointer (in your currently
configured page units).
If you select the option "Suppress grid lock" in the coordinates window, the
values are not snapped to the nearest grid point even if grid lock is switched
on. Otherwise, the window shows the coordinates to which ArtWorks would snap a
click at the current pointer position.
3) History
Version 1.00 (14-01-97): First version so far
4) Contacting me:
Martin Wuerthner
Jahnstrasse 18
71116 Gaertringen
Phone: +49-7034-928986
Fax: +49-7034-928988
e-mail: wuerthne@trick.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de
5) Copyright:
This ArtWorks module including all related files is Copyright 1997,
by Martin Würthner and is FREEWARE.
This means that you may copy it freely provided that
(a) all files of this application are distributed together without
(b) this application is not sold for profit without my explicit written
I retain the copyright on all files.